SPORTEC® for field sports

Shock absorbing elastic layers from SPORTEC® with good drainage that contribute to protecting the players


SPORTEC® offers more advantages for field sports:



to match the special requirements of football sports with various types of artificial grass; one mat for all systems (adapted for all usual filled and unfilled artificial grass systems)

ball rebound

ball rebound

adjustable ball rebound within to system construction (so that the pitch is adapted for different kinds of sports)

high permeability

high permeability

pitch must be dry and free of puddles; very high permeability of 4500 cm/h (EN 12616) with SPORTEC® team cup

high shock absorption

high shock absorption

high shock absorption through open pored and elastic structure; to protect the player of injuries

weather resistant and durable

weather resistant and durable

rot resistant material made of recycled rubber granules ensures durability so that the elastic layer can be used in all areas and in all climates around the world and is cost efficient

easy installation

easy installation

just roll out and cut as needed

conformity to norms

conformity to norms

contributes to norm conformity of artificial grass system

Suitable SPORTEC® products


Elastic layer below artificial turf systems

Combination of elastic layer and EPDM top layer

Widely used elastic layer for sports

Elastic layer for outdoor sports

Widely used elastic layer for sports


Elastic layer below artificial turf systems

Widely used elastic layer for sports

Reference projects

For further technical details or product advice, you are welcome to contact our colleagues from application technology or sales at any time.