Welle Lenzburg, Switzerland


Welle Lenzburg Schweiz


1. Project

In Lenzburg, an apartment complex was built near a railway line. The emission forecast by the building physics experts of the engineering office Grolimund + Partner showed that the apartment complex must be a partially elastic bearing foundation in order to comply with the legal noise and vibration limits. On the basis of this investigation, a partial building foundation was planned. Parts of the building were mounted elastically on different DAMTEC® vibra types depending on the expected loads.

Welle Lenzburg Schweiz


Highlights & facts
Year of construction: 2018
Location: Lenzburg
Country: Switzerland
Type: Reinforced concrete structure
Completion: 2019
Building physics: Grolimund + Partner AG
Client: Estermann AG
Engineer: WMM Ingenieure AG

2. Installation

DAMTEC® vibra soft, hard and 3D are rubber granulate mats that reduce the transmission of sound and vibration for buildings and in civil engineering. Depending on the requirements, DAMTEC® vibra products can be laid in one, two or three layers.

Installation plan horizontal

Please note:
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP 25/7 = DAMTEC® vibra 25/7
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP hard = DAMTEC® vibra hard
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP soft = DAMTEC® vibra soft

Installation plan vertical

Please note:
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP 25/7 = DAMTEC® vibra 25/7
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP hard = DAMTEC® vibra hard
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP soft = DAMTEC® vibra soft

Installation procedure:

  1. Cleaning the surface from stones
  2. Avoiding structure-borne sound bridges; screed and concrete must not get into the insulating underlay
  3. Cutting and installing edge insulation strips
  4. Rolling out DAMTEC® vibra; the covering should acclimatize for at least 24 hours
  5. Covering mat joints with adhesive tape to avoid sound bridges and displacement of the mats
  6. Laying PE foil; pull it completely up over the insulation strips to above the finished top covering height and then fix in place
  7. The screed or concrete can then be installed in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations
Welle Lenzburg Schweiz

Installation of the horizontal insulation mats

Welle Lenzburg Schweiz

Installation of the base plate reinforcement

3. Technical data

DAMTEC vibra
Type soft
Mat dimension DAMTEC vibra soft 6000mm x 1250mm
System Full-surface installation


DAMTEC vibra
Type hard
Mat dimension DAMTEC vibra hard 8000mm x 1250mm
System Full-surface installation


DAMTEC vibra
Type 3D 25/7
Mat dimension DAMTEC vibra 3D 25/7 4000mm x 1250mm
System Full-surface installation

4. Re-measurement

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Further information

In 2022, the project was re-measured by Grolimund + Partner and KRAIBURG.

  • Immission measurements T1 + T2 in the stairwells of the basement
  • Free-field measurement Z 1 to Z3 outside, parallel to points T 1 and T2


During the measurement period, 86 vibration events were recorded, to which a train passage and the type of train could be assigned. For 41 events it was the passage of a freight train, 45 events a passenger train.



frequency-specific vibration strength at location Z1
frequency-specific vibration strength at location Z3

The comparison of the curves shows that the elastic mounting of the building to the ground results in a reduction of the vibration strength starting from the frequency of 8Hz.

The elastic bearing has a significant reduction of the incoming vibrations compared to the expected vibrations without bearing. The reduction is particularly clear in the ranges up to 16Hz and then again from 20Hz.


Comparison of the corrected free field measurement Z1 with the immission measurement T1

The design was based on 17.4 Hz, taking into account the horizontal and vertical mats. Static and dynamic long-term effects were not taken into account because they were not known at the time of the project.


Please note:
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP 25/7 = DAMTEC® vibra 25/7
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP hard = DAMTEC® vibra hard
mageba VIBRAX® DAMP soft = DAMTEC® vibra soft

Result of the re-measurement

  • The decoupling mats used lead to a significant reduction in vibrations from a frequency of 12.5Hz, which corresponds to the specifications and design of the decoupling mats.
  • The control measurements showed that the measures required from the G+P 2016 report to protect against vibrations and structure-borne noise were necessary and effective.
  • The comparison between free-field and immission measurements shows that, thanks to the implemented measures, the limit values for both structure-borne noise and vibrations are complied with.

Comparison of the corrected free field measurement Z1 with the immission measurement T1